martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


Nigel it’s a man. He has an amazing job, he works an American Construction Company.
But no are a normally Constructoin Company, he works UNDERWATER! There are a amazing job.

Now Nigel are in Florida to helping to build a bridge in Miami, but before starting work he check his diving equipment. The next month he has to go to Japan to repair a tunnel.

Josep Mª Reñé Ricart


My name’s Josep. I’m from Catalonia Spain. After shool, I play with computer, from 7-8 P.M I do my homework and at 9 o’clock I have dinner. On Wednesdays and Fridays I go home at 2 P.M. I eat, after eating I play computer games, from 5-6 P.M I meet friends at 8 o’clock I after have dinner in my house. Later I go to bed.


At the Weekends, On Saturdays I go to Termens to visit my grandparends, my parents and my cousins. In the evening I meet friends an the weekends I eat at my grandmas house. On the Sundays i sleep after luch, and at 4 o’clock I play football with my friends.

Redaction Of Tigers 

Josep Mª Reñé Ricart



Common name: Tigre.
Scientific name: Pantera Tigris.
Class: Mammals.
Order: Carnivora.
Family: Felidae.
Head and trunk length: from 2.28 to 2.95 m.
Tail length: 75 to 91 cm.
Overall Length: From 3.03 to 3.86 m.
Height at withers: 90 cm.
Weight: Up to 292 Kg
Food: From wild boar to buffalo.
Gestation: 105 to 113 days.
Litter: 1 to 6 puppies.
Longevity: 20 years.


The tiger is a carnivore. It feeds on large mammals, from a monkeyto a deer, you can even feed on humans.
He is a born hunter, the technique used to hunt behind the attack. It hides in tall grass, and when the prey turns, attacks, tired after their prey by sticking his claws, and biting just killed with huge teeth of 10cm in length.
Sometimes attack young elephant and rhino, but that is very rare, buteven rarer is to see some human hunting, at least since the beginning of s. Century, but in this case, the tiger would take the habit of doing and would have to sacrifice.


The tiger
 is native to the cold regions of Siberia, but now has moved to the tropics.
Prefers dense foliage, which come only a few rays of sun, and his coat is mistaken for the lights and shadows generated, which favorshunting.
The tiger only provides a shelter in the breeding season to take care of their young, in other times going from one place to another, wherethere are more dams, but only out of the jungle if necessary.


During the rut, males and females fight over females and males, respectively. Mating is noisy, like all cats, the gestation period is 105 to 113 days.

The young are born blind and legs very large compared to its size.The mother cares for them for 2 years until they learn to hunt and fend for themselves.